How to Prepare Yourself Now For Any Upcoming Disaster

It is very easy to talk ourselves into a false sense of security. In general, our lives are pretty easy, in the sense that very few of us live in any real danger. But this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be prepared. If we know anything about Mother Nature, it is that she is unpredictable, and the ever-escalating geopolitical tensions in the world around us mean we could be on the brink of a major conflict that would threaten much of what we hold dear.
No matter the threat, though, the preparations are roughly the same. Taking the time now to get yourself ready could be the difference between life or death down the road. Here’s what you should be doing now to prepare for any future disasters:
Gather Food and Water
If things go downhill, basic resources will become scarce quickly. Supermarket supply chains will get disrupted, and it could be hard to get your hands on fresh food. As a result, it’s a good idea to have a supply of non-perishable food items in your home in the event of an emergency. Canned foods are ideal for this, as they virtually never go bad and can be eaten even if you find yourself without power. Think about picking up a few different things each time you go to the grocery store so that you can build up a solid stock over the course of a few months.
The same applies for water. Consider buying a few large bottles of water and storing them to ensure you’ll have some in case you get cut off from your town’s water mains. If you get your water from a well, this might not be as important, but it still wouldn’t be a bad idea to build up a small store.
Keep Extra Gasoline
We take for granted that we can fill up our cars with gas virtually whenever we want to, but in a disaster situation, this is very likely to not be the case. Consider having a few gas cans always filled and ready for use. However, gas can’t sit forever, so make sure to use it up in your car or lawnmower every few months and replace it. Taking this simple step will mean you will be able to have access to a car when others don’t, or you will be able to drive further, making it easier to get to safety.
Buy a Generator
One really easy thing you can do to being preparing is to go out and buy a generator. It may seem like overkill, but if you were to lose power, this is one of the most useful things you can have. While you will still need gas to run it, this will allow you to have light at night, charge devices or temporarily heat or cool your home, all of which will be vital for survival in a disaster situation.
In truth, there are countless things you can do to prepare yourself for an upcoming disaster, but these three are some of the most essential. Once you take these steps, you will begin to value the need to be prepared and can start going further with your preparations. Anything you do now is one less thing you need to do later, raising your chances of surviving whatever disaster may come your way.