In Iraq, Where There is No Will, There is No ...
U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter stated in May 2015 that the Iraqis lost Ramadi because they lacked the will to fight. ...
Enemys Enemy: Who is Giving America Intel on ISIS in ...
It’s been a rough 2015 for ISIS—no, not in Iraq and Syria, nor in Libya, but in faraway Afghanistan, where ...
To Catch a Cheat: Trusting the Verification Regime in Iran
There’s a scene in the 2004 satirical comedy Team America: World Police where Hans Blix, the then-head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), ...
Fiction for the Strategist
Army Strategist Lieutenant Colonel Aaron Bazin recently posted an article on what successful strategists should read. His inclusion of fiction ...
Disarming the Profession of Arms: Why Disarm Servicemembers on Bases?
When you swear the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States in uniform you give up ...
Death by Treasury: The Challenge of Defense Austerity in Britain
Last week, Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, made the surprise announcementthat the Conservative Government would commit to spending 2% ...
Figure Out the Air Force: Airpower, Nuclear Weapons and Next ...
General Welsh, speaking to Defense News soon after taking the helm of the United States Air Force as its Chief ...
200 Years after Waterloo, How will Todays Wars be Remembered?
Can you remember the last time the conclusion of a war was widely celebrated by soldiers, politicians, the press and ...
Heres How We Should Think about Intervention
When should the United States intervene? Intervention can be advocated, approved and implemented for a variety of reasons: to repel an ...
Why We Dont Need a New War Against ISIS
The question continues to circle from Pennsylvania Avenue to Main Street whether or not America should go to war against ...