Is Clausewitz Still Relevant?
Reviewing a book by Peter Paret, the dean of Clausewitzian scholars, is both an honor and a challenge. Professor Paret ...
The Melting Pot of our Military
What do American service members look like today? Do they resemble those that served in other wars? How has history ...
How to Avoid Future Hadithas
The Haditha Incident (also called the Haditha Killings or Haditha Massacre) is one of the most emotionally charged, hotly debated ...
Two Sides of the Vietnam War and its Personal Costs
Wars end, but for those who live through them, they are not over. Thats the common thread in these two otherwise ...
State-Building and the Wests Empire in Denial
The politics of state-building is one of the most significant and controversial issues in policy-making in the 21st century. The ...
Americas Blind Addiction to Armed Drones
Depending on your capacity for outrage, Andrew Cockburns Kill Chain: The Rise of the High-Tech Assassins is a pretty depressing book. In ...
Is Religion Inherently Violent?
Upon hearing that Stalin trained as a priest in his youth before going on to oversee the death of more ...
Islams Clash of Beliefs, As Seen From Modern Iran
Soon after she first began working with foreign journalists in Tehran, Nazila Fathi was summoned to the Intelligence Ministry to ...
Devils Alliance: Moscows Pact with Hitler
British historian Roger Moorhouse’s Devils’ Alliance is a historical study of the infamous and contentious Molotov-Ribbentrop Treaty, the brief alliance between Stalin ...
Concrete Hell: Urban Warfare in the 20th Century
It is difficult to deny that the threat of urban warfare en masse is starker than ever in the twenty-first century. Cities ...