

Iran is no Irrational Martyr State

As word of an interim agreement on Iran’s nuclear program filtered out, Iranians on the streets in Tehran rejoiced. Meanwhile, ...

America’s Failed Revolution

By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood, ...

Soldier and State: Officership, Leadership, and Society

Nearly 60 years ago, political scientist Samuel Huntington analyzed military officership in terms of what he called the “distinguishing characteristics ...

What’s Unusual About Today’s Dual-Use Technologies?

Whether it’s finding our way around with the help of a GPS, sending large files through e-mail, or flying across ...

Improving CBRN Forensics Can Stop War Crimes

Investigating criminal acts involving chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) materials presents a number of unique challenges. A crime scene ...

Why the Pentagon Needs a War on PowerPoint

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter became the latest top Pentagon official to recognize the threat posed by the indiscriminate and ingrained ...

Tsar of Tsars

Remarkable that over a half century after the fall of Nazism and the worst of Soviet oppression and Maoism, we ...

Can A ‘Freeze’ Work in Syria?

What’s the difference between a “freeze” and a “ceasefire”? Some might say it’s just semantics, but UN negotiators in Syria ...

Vladimir Putin is No Mystery

There are many theories put forward as to the goals, intentions, and motivations of Vladimir Putin, yet he remains a ...

When Allying with Evil Makes Sense

Muttering about the importance of never compromising, Rorschach leaves the Antarctic palace, intent on telling the world of how Ozymandias ...