

War in the Eyes of an Engineer

Amid the remarkable rise of China, a great deal of analysis, theory, technology, and planning has been generated within the ...

The Problem of Industrious Refugees

The legal term “refugee” has carried with it semantic prejudice since World War II: the name of the helpless, the ...

This Week in War

All things war for the week of 8 to 13 March 2015. North America In America, Hillary Clinton continued to take fire for ...

We Need Defense Innovators More Than They Need Us

If knowledge is power, we should all be feeling more powerful. The defining trend of our time is the ever-increasing ...

Intelligence Failures Are Inevitable. Get Over it

The Iraq War marked the first time that secret intelligence was used in the public domain to justify America going ...

An Awkward Residue of War: Burn Pits and Human Waste

It was August 1985, and I was one of several Navy “docs” supporting several hundred U.S. Marines as they prepared for ...

Does Transnistria Matter? To Russia, It May

Mention Transnistria and most people will look at you sideways. It is a funny word, the name of this place ...

The Secret Speech and Putins Cult of Personality

Nikita Khrushchev’s “Secret Speech” of 25 February 1956 marked the full commencement of “de-Stalinization” in which Josef Stalin’s “Cult of the ...

Is there a Place for Total War in the Modern ...

The way America has waged war in the post-9/11 era is controversial. Conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere evolved into ...

Can Corruption Lose Wars?

In the closing years of the Vietnam war, I traveled to a province on the Cambodian border where I heard ...