
How to Defeat ISIS without Becoming Them

Its been a long time since I last flew tactical aircraft, and I never fired a shot in combat. But ...

Why Military Readiness is so Vital

Military types like me have been bemoaning the risks to U.S. military readiness imposed by current and unabating federal fiscal ...

Size of U.S. Army Should be Determined by Needs of ...

Some countries want big armies, though no countries want to need big armies; but all countries want to have the armies they need, when they need ...

The F-22 Over Syria: Efficiency and Effectiveness

After being criticized for not using the F-22 Raptor previously, the U.S. Air Force has now taken a drubbing for using F-22s over Syria, ...

Asymmetric Warfare Goes Both Ways

During the last decade and a half of militant extremism with global ambitions, asymmetric warfare has been a much-ballyhooed concept ...

How to Assess Risk in a World of Threats like ...

As U.S. efforts to build an international coalition to confront ISIS continue, so does the national debate regarding if, when, ...

Full-Spectrum Engagement: Better than War

In a recent piece called, Peace and War: The Space Between, Nadia Schadlow does a great job explaining how U.S. foreign ...

For the Future Force, More is Not Always Better

In a recent piece called, The Paradox of American Naval Power, Bryan McGrath laments not being aware of an Executive Branch ...

Military Force Structure Math the American Way

As the United States defense budget has been cut over the last several years, the Congress has been very disappointed ...

What the Air Force Can Learn from FedEx

Over the last year or so, there has been increased chatter about the Active and Reserve Component—or AC/RC in military ...